Curbing the risk of project failure starts with identifying and preparing for what could go wrong—a task that requires input from the people who know the project best, the project team. However, obtaining this input is difficult and incredibly time consuming.

Introducing… Deltek RiskBook

Deltek RiskBook is a cloud-based, collaborative risk register that unlocks the expertise of project team members, stakeholders, and even end users that gets lost with traditional risk management methods.


With Deltek RiskBook, every participant in the risk management process is heard with real-time voting that presents clear options for selecting risks and their impacts on cost (how much will it impact budget) and schedule (how much of a delay could it cause). RiskBook uses these inputs to calculate instantly the team consensus for each risk giving you immediate insight into the highest scored risks and their probability of occurring.


RiskBook stops team input from getting lost in translation and makes it simple to collaborate on the results. Use RiskBook to create a detailed list of project risks and collaborate on the development of proactive mitigation.


With up-to-the-minute accuracy of data and ability to identify and track updates, RiskBook lives and breathes right along with the project, unlike static spreadsheets which are perpetually out of date.


All of this capability is available in a cloud-based environment that is accessible anytime, anywhere. Virtually meet with global team members in real time and maintain a permanent record of identified risks, their severity, steps identified to reduce their probability and potential impact all while creating an audit trail of discussions around each of these components.

Want to See More?

Join us for a webinar, Introducing Deltek RiskBook: Consensus-Based Risk Management, on July 9 at 11 a.m., ET. Led by Dr. Dan Patterson, this session will be an in-depth demonstration of RiskBook and open question and answer session.

For more information about RiskBook or any other Deltek Acumen products, contact us at